The New Car

A few weeks ago My father , hubby and myself drove to North Dakota to pick up a new car that my dad had ordered for us.... The drive was good, and dad talked and told stories for the whole 2 hour journey. Boy, can he tell stories. Well when we got to the dealership they pulled this cute car around to the front and WOW WEEEE....What a cute little bugger... orange and cheerful to suit my personality. Well, now my mother and I have exact matching cars right down to the same color and sun roof..hehehehe. You know how when you don't want something to happen it usually does...well just my luck, the moment I drove the car off the lot, the weather turned from a bright sunny day to a wet rainy grey day, go figure. It has been washed 3 times in 2 weeks. I wonder if the paints going to wear out....
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