Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bathroom Project...So Far So Good

Today was somewhat busy and very messy. I wire brushed and sanded the cast iron clawfoot tub and the legs. This tub was a hand-me-down from my family. When the tub is finished it will be white with chrome feet. So far so good. I primed the feet then painted them...what a mess, but they turned out better then I expected. After that I primed the tub, it won't be able to be painted till tomorrow evening....needs plenty of drying time. hmmm the Pics make the tub look rusty, but it isn' used to be painted brown...yuk. We hope to get the tub in sometime this week...fingers crossed. We still have to put the tile flooring in first.

Here is what the hubby and one of the cats (Moon) was doing, while I was working. Andrews watering and Moon must have been pooped from all the She loves to sleep in the garden swing.

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